Wendy Williams’ heartache as she announces beloved mum Shirley’s death on her show
TV presenter Wendy Williams wore an all-black outfit for her show on Monday as she shared the sad news that her mum Shirley died weeks ago
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Wendy Williams paid tribute to her beloved mum Shirley as she announced her death.
The star shared her heartache with fans on her talk show, The Wendy Williams Show, today.
Wearing a black dress with a dramatic split that showed off her legs, Wendy told viewers: “In the name of my mother, because my mother, she’s like, ‘You got ’em, they’re long, you show ’em’.
“She also talked me into picking out this outfit today. She’s also died.”
Wendy said her mum had died “many, many, many, many weeks ago”, and that she had “passed away beautifully and peacefully and surrounded by love.”

Wendy said her mum had not suffered.
Speaking of their close friendship, she added: “Our relationship was like that of two teenage girls, 17, if I could pick an age.
“My relationship with my mother, right up to the end, was so girly, and so ridiculously giggly.”
Wendy was so close to her mum that they’d often talk on the phone for such long stretches that they’d both end up falling asleep.
She said one of their favourite joint pastimes was watching trashy TV and doing their nails together.

Wendy added: “Gone is the best mother, the best girlfriend that a girl could ever have. I feel fortunate that I had her for my life all of my 56 years. People in my age bracket, many of you, throughout the years, it’s like you’re really lucky to have your mom and dad together in a happy marriage.
“For me, my thing is, I gotta be strong for my son. This is his first death, he does not know death, he’s 20. So, if I get on the phone and I’m breaking down and hooping and hollering and rolling around on the ground – I’m Baptist, so you know we do all that – but if I do all that to him, then he’s going to be worried about me, then he’s going to be worried about his grandfather, and his aunt … he’s gonna be worried about everyone in the family and question maybe he’s not acting right.”

Wendy said her father is “doing well” and that she and her siblings are looking to him for strength in this difficult time, and that their children are looking to them.
She continued: “My son is looking to me and so I’m giving him the strength that he needs. It’s not like I don’t cry … I just don’t cry in front of you regarding this particular thing.
“Wow, I made it. Not even a misty blue. Not even nothing,” she said as she praised herself for not breaking down in tears.
She joked: “What kind of robot have I become?
“I’ll deal with that in therapy, where my mother attends and secretly sits on the other end of the couch. She’s everywhere.”
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