According to Sharon Stone, looks matter and they matter a lot. In a new interview with The Telegraph, the legendary actress explained how important it is for a person, especially a woman, to look good on screen both on TV and in theaters.
Page Six picked up on the interview this week in which the Ratched actress touched on the significance of beauty and its relevance in the filmmaking business. The Beverly Hills resident argued that anyone who suggests appearence doesn’t matter is lying.
She claimed it’s a “big, fat, stupid lie” if they claim it doesn’t matter. For that reason, Stone explained, she is devoted to maintaining her good looks even in her early 60s. Stone is now 62-years-old.
Regarding her workout routine, the actress claims she does 30 squats a day and lifts lead balls while she watches TV. She can’t go to the gym, so she has no other option to make do with the equipment she has at her home.
Stone also explained her thoughts about the #MeToo movement, which she claims led to a feeling of vindication. For years, Stone had the reputation for being “difficult to work with,” so the #MeToo movement gave her some comfort.
Stone says she once had a director who demanded she sit on his lap daily to take direction. And another male actor yelled at someone else on set about her breasts. These days, however, Stone says she lets certain behavior slide.
And no celebrity interview can go without mentioning of Trump. Stone claimed she had a lot of “empathy for him.” Stone believes Donald Trump may have had something terrible happen to him as a child, and that’s why he is the way he is.
Sharon went on to say that many people are following Trump because they have “internal rage” and these feelings come from a sense of insecurity and pain.
Earlier this year, Stone blamed the president for the “non-mask wearers” whom she claims caused her sister’s COVID-19 infection. In her social media post, the actress urged her fans and followers to wear masks.