Porsha Williams shared a video in which she’s praising her line of sheets. Check out her post below.
‘Good morning!! Have a very merry Christmas and a Pampered night !!! Shop @pamperedbyporsha today! Free shipping avail! If you are already apart of the Pampered family leave your review below !! Love ya
’Porsha captioned her post.
Someone said: ‘I am getting ready to lay down on my black pampered by Porsha sheets! I recently ordered the white and plan to order more! Love the quality and the feel! Thank you, Porsha!’
A follower posted this: ‘Awwh, happy Saturday! I love supporting those who are truly passionate about their work! The sheet sets are amazing as I’ve said before..very durable && comfy!! Hubby & I sleep GOODTTT!!! There’s no friction between the sheets..none of that. I keep saying imma buy my Mom & my MotherInLaw both a set ..guess now will be a perfect time. Ty & happy holidays .’
Someone else said: ‘Awww I didn’t get mines signed. But I love them very soft. I will for sure purchase more.’
A commenter said: ‘Make sure you get them in target!!!!! Would love to know the thread count’ I’m a little late!!’
Someone else posted this: ‘I love my sheets. I got a new kitten and this baby is killing my sheets lol!! Another reason to order 2 new sets!’
Someone said: ‘I always wondered when you would walk into your family weight and become the person who I see you are now as I watch the first episode of the real housewives of Atlanta and I am happy to continue to make your grandfather proud I am loving this rock on black queen’
In other news, in other recent news, Porsha Williams shared a video in which she is advertising Dennis McKinley’s new cognac.
Check out the product in the new video that she shared on her social media account.