Brexit Is Official As The UK Has Officially Cut Ties With The EU—Was This The Most Logical Move?

Brexit Is Official As The UK Has Officially Cut Ties With The EU—Was This The Most Logical Move?

What many believed had little chance of actually happening has indeed come to pass. The United Kingdom has followed through on its threat of cutting ties with the rest of the European Union.

The official severing of ties officially occurred on Friday. After three years of political turmoil and division in regard to the decision, the UK’s 47-year membership in the EU came to an end.

The legal procedure, referred to by the UK as Brexit, is a form of divorce that became official at the stroke of 11 pm UK time (6 pm EST), complete with a countdown clock, which was projected onto No. 10 Downing Street.

The European Union came about in the aftermath of World War II, with the hopes that no such conflict would happen again. The EU has an estimated population of nearly 513 million individuals.

In addition, the European Union is one of a handful of institutions that, as a result of its creation has come to define the consensus of a postwar world. With that said, in recent years, the institution itself has come under somewhat extreme strains.

At one point in time, the known world was entirely occupied by the ancestors of the UK. This is why this milestone will prove to be a historical event in the countries modern history. And, as a result, the newest alliances will serve to define what will become a rather rapidly morphing landscape.

The UK prime minister, in an effort to heal his divided nation, said in a recorded speech: “Our job as the government—my job—is to bring this country together and take us forward.”

He went on to add that the country was in the dawn of a new era where your life and your family’s life chances should no longer depend solely on the country that you reside in.

Those UK residents who support the move of Brexit, gathered outside of Parliament, to show that they are pro-Brexit. Individuals from all over the UK showed up with shouts of “rule Britannia” and “come on, England!” filling the night air. There were also the sounds of booing being heard for media and those politicians who spoke out against Brexit.

The vote on June 23, 2016, to pass the referendum that would come to be known as Brexit was a very close one, with 52 votes for the separation, and 48 votes against.

Will Brexit, now that it has officially happened, be the best move on UK’s part?