Video shows cop ignoring woman who fell head-first on patrol car floor while hogtied

Video shows cop ignoring woman who fell head-first on patrol car floor while hogtied

A police officer in Aurora, Colorado, ignored a Black woman’s cries for help after she fell head-first while hogtied in the back of a patrol car for nearly 21 minutes in August 2019, according to body camera footage shown by the city on Tuesday. The footage was part of an appeal hearing for former police officer Levi Huffine, who was fired over the incident in February.

The video, timestamped shortly before 5:30 p.m. on August 27, 2019, begins with a woman later identified as 28-year-old Shataean Kelly kneeling on the ground with her hands in the air after allegedly getting into a fight with another woman.

Huffine handcuffs her, and when the audio picks up roughly 30 seconds in, Huffine is heard saying he had deployed his Taser. When Kelly tried to tell the officer that she wasn’t responsible for the incident that police responded to, he told her to “shut up.” Huffine said during his Wednesday appearance at the hearing that the Taser did not pierce Kelly’s skin.

Minutes later, Huffine and another officer put Kelly in the back of the police car. When she leaned towards the other side of the vehicle and attempted to open the car door, Huffine told another officer he was going to “hobble” her for “trying to get out of my car.” Police then took her out of the car and put her facedown in nearby grass.

Officers held Kelly down while her feet were tied to her handcuffed hands. The footage showed at least two other officers standing and watching a few feet away.

One officer asked Huffine if they needed to call the medical team, but Huffine said no. Two officers then picked her up by her shoulders and feet and placed her in the back seat of the patrol car.

A camera in the backseat showed Kelly screaming that she was in pain and that she could not breathe. For the first few minutes, she continuously asked for him to help her sit up, and when he did not do so, she became verbally aggressive. She then slid headfirst to the floor of the vehicle.

Kelly then slid farther down onto the floor, eventually with her feet above her head. She sobbed and apologized for several minutes, and repeatedly said she couldn’t breathe.

A screengrab from the body camera footage shown by the city on Tuesday.


“I don’t want to die like this, officer. …I’m a good person I’m just under the influence,” she said, adding, “This is some slavery sh*t. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry God … It hurts so bad … Please don’t let me die back here.”

“Master, I’ll be good,” she pleaded minutes later.

When she arrived at the detention center, a female officer opened the door and immediately asked, “Honey, why are you head down like that?”

“He was gonna kill me,” she repeatedly told the female officer.

When the female officer told Huffine “that didn’t look pleasant,” Huffine responded, “She was in the seat, but she decided she wanted to roll, so.”

Police Chief Vanessa Wilson, who fired Huffine, said every time she watches the footage “it seems to get worse.” Wilson overruled a recommendation from the Chief’s Review Board that Huffine be penalized with a 180-hour suspension, according to CBS Denver.

“That is not what we’re hired to do. We are not judge, jury and executor. We are not to treat people inhumanely like they don’t matter,” Wilson said during the hearing, which took place over Zoom. “[Huffine] is lucky that she did not die in the backseat of that car because he would be, in my opinion, in an orange jumpsuit right now. This is not what I expect from my officers.”

“I’m angry,” she added. “Every time I watch this it makes me sick.”

Huffine said at the Wednesday hearing that after watching the body cam footage, he believed there was “absolutely” a better way he could have handled the situation. Most of the Wednesday hearing focused on his background in law enforcement, but he will be asked about the transport to the detention facility on Thursday.

Levi Huffine shown during the hearing.


At the end of the hearing, the city’s civil service commission will either uphold Huffine’s termination or give him his job back with a lesser sentence, CBS Denver reported.

The Aurora Police public information officer told CBS News the department will not be releasing a statement as the hearing is ongoing.

Wilson said during the hearing that the video reveals Kelly was clearly panicking, and that the department trains officers about the risks of hobbling people.

“We train on the fact that people can die, especially in a hobbled position, and then you put her inverted on her neck,” Wilson said. “She’s saying she’s feeling like her neck is about to break. I don’t know how many times she says she can’t breathe. I don’t know how many times she asks for help, and I felt as though his actions were punishing her.”

Kelly could have suffered from “positional asphyxia” from being in that position, Wilson said, adding that people placed into a hobble are meant to be kept on their side and taken out of the position as quickly as possible.

Huffine said during an internal affairs investigation that he’s short and couldn’t see Kelly in the backseat, Wilson said. But if he couldn’t see her, she added, he should have pulled over to check on her based on her pleas for help.

Regarding the escape charge the officer had administered against Kelly based on her trying to open the door handles in the back seat of the patrol car, Wilson said “those door handles will not open,” and that “there’s no escaping that car.”

“There was no reason to hobble her,” she said.

Huffine is not facing criminal charges for the incident because Kelly was not physically injured during the encounter, Wilson said. CBS Denver reported that the city has dropped all criminal charges against Kelly.