Piers Morgan ‘in six-year row with neighbour’ over extravagant home plans

Piers Morgan ‘in six-year row with neighbour’ over extravagant home plans


Piers Morgan ’embroiled in six-year row with neighbour’ over extravagant home plans

Good Morning Britain presenter Piers Morgan is among a group of London residents reportedly locked in a bitter battle with a neighbour over her plans to build a huge basement for her clothes

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Piers Morgan is reportedly locked in a six-year-long bitter battle with a neighbour who wants to build a huge basement for her clothes.

The Good Morning Britain presenter is said to be one of a group of residents of a posh London square who aren’t happy about their neighbour’s plans to create a 500 sq ft basement to store her attire.

The war with Google European Vice-President Diana Layfield and David McDonald, founder of multi-million pound software firm Acturis, who own the property, has been raging for years.

They’ve been trying to push their plans through since 2014, despite opposition from other local residents.

Although the first planning applications were submitted six years ago, the development is still being fought over.

The application was rejected by the council six times before it was eventually approved, but changes are still being submitted.

It’s said the pair also want to build a new conservatory and make other internal and external alterations to their home.

Plans submitted to Kensington & Chelsea Council show the proposed layout of the lower ground floor where the huge walk-in wardrobe would be created.

The pair have never spoken publicly about their plans.

But Piers, his wife Celia Walden, and other neighbours are said to be concerned about the risk of flooding, damage that could be caused to adjoining properties and the excessive increase in noise and disruption.

The Sun reports that Piers, 55, wrote about his concerns in a letter of objection to the council.

He called the plans “concerted and aggressive” and said it was “excessive and beyond reasonable expectation in this narrow Georgian terrace”.

He added that the basement was just a cupboard for “storage of winter and summer clothing”.

Piers wrote: “Never in the recent history of [the road] has a planning proposal been so opposed by the neighbourhood.”

The publication says there have been at least 20 complaints from wealthy neighbours about the plans.

Mirror Online reported in 2015 that Piers had lost his battle with his neighbours over the wardrobe.

He was one of 23 residents who had objected to the proposal.

Piers, who lives in a £5 million home on the street had slammed the plans in a 1,300-word letter to the council.

But all these years later, the fight continues.

Resident Sarah Palmer has also spoken out against the plans.

She told the Evening Standard : “We feel very strongly about our beautiful square and we should be given a fair hearing. These three years of applications have been a complete nightmare, but as a neighbourhood we have been very strong against them and feel it is beyond anything we would like to have here.”