Katie Price’s daughter Princess vows she’ll never have surgery like famous mum

Katie Price’s daughter Princess vows she’ll never have surgery like famous mum


Katie Price’s daughter Princess vows she’ll never have surgery like famous mum

The 13-year-old daughter of former glamour model Katie Price has vowed that she’ll never go under the knife for cosmetic surgery like her mum has

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Katie Price ‘s daughter Princess Andre has vowed that she’ll never have cosmetic surgery like her famous mum.

Katie has famously gone under the knife a number of times.

As well as having her boobs done more than once, the 42-year-old has had facelifts, Botox and fillers, including in her lips, a bum lift, a nose job and veneers, among other things here and there.

But 13-year-old Princess says it’s a road she’ll never go down.

Going live on Instagram from her family holiday in Turkey, Princess was being praised by fans for her natural beauty when one asked if she’ll ever have any cosmetic work done.

The strong-headed teenager said: “I don’t think I’ll ever get surgery, not because I think I’m perfect or anything but I just think you are who you are.

“I don’t disagree with surgery at all, but personally I wouldn’t get surgery.”

In a video posted to her YouTube channel last night, Katie spoke about getting her teeth done while she was in Turkey, joking it wouldn’t be a Pricey holiday if she wasn’t having work done.

She later shocked fans by unveiling her sharp teeth, that have been filed down to fit her veneers.

And it’s not just Princess who isn’t a fan of cosmetic procedures.

Her YouTube video also showed mum Amy teasing her for having lip fillers done just before her holiday.

As she FaceTimed her mum from Stanstead Airport, Amy was heard telling her daughter she looks like “Daffy Duck”.

“You’ve had your lips done,” Amy said.

Katie appeared to be visibly annoyed as she responded: “What do you mean I’ve had my lips done? Yes I’ve had my lips done, mum, so what?”

Putting her head in her hands as Princess and Junior, 15, shushed her, she added: “They’re gonna go down!”

But Amy asked her: “Why would you do it?”

Katie said she did it because she wanted to, but her mum wasn’t happy, and told her: “You look like Daffy Duck!”

The star fired back: “I don’t like like Daffy Duck” as her mum carried on teasing her by making quacking noises down the phone.

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