Gogglebox’s Nikki Tapper says mum’s cancer has returned after mastectomy

Gogglebox’s Nikki Tapper says mum’s cancer has returned after mastectomy


Gogglebox’s Nikki Tapper says mum’s cancer has returned for third time after mastectomy

Marilyn Myers, 72, faces another fight despite getting a double mastectomy after the TV favourite battled breast cancer herself back in 2011 – and Nikki now worries for daughter Amy

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Gogglebox star Nikki Tapper has shared her family’s torment following another cancer diagnosis.

Her mum Marilyn Myers, 72, faces another fight as she has been diagnosed with breast cancer for a third time – after undergoing a double mastectomy.

Marilyn fought off cancer for the first time when she was 54 and her daughter Nikki, who found fame on the Channel 4 show discovered she had the same disease in 2011 – ten years later, when she was 38.

Opening up about the family’s 18-year-ordeal, Nikki shared her fears for her daughter Amy, 20, and admitted she is “waiting” to get the bad news of a re-diagnosis herself.

The 47-year-old told The Sun : “I was very angry when she first got diagnosed again, like when’s the next time?

“I feel like I am waiting for the next time I get it, which isn’t a good way to think.

“Watching someone else go through it is often harder than going through it yourself.

“My mum said: ‘Nothing compares to your daughter going through it’.

“I do fear for Amy, it is at the forefront of my mind. She is very aware of the whole situation.”

Back in 2015, the sofa star discussed her own battle.

Speaking to the Express, she reveals she “just knew” that she had cancer when she was told to get a mammogram immediately after visiting her doctor.

Nikki said: “It was like being swept on to a conveyor belt. I had the mammogram, followed by an MRI, a biopsy and the worst weekend of my life.

“I just wanted to be told, ‘This is what it is, and you’re going to be OK.’ I couldn’t think beyond that.