Coleen Rooney shares the fake Instagram posts she used to ‘expose Rebekah Vardy’

Coleen Rooney shares the fake Instagram posts she used to ‘expose Rebekah Vardy’

Coleen Rooney yesterday let rip at at Rebekah Vardy as she laid bare her the details of her defence against her bitter WAG rival.

In a stinging 55-page document seen by the Mirror, Coleen accuses Vardy of “habitually” leaking stories to the press in return for glowing coverage.

The bombshell filed yesterday at London’s High Court in response to Vardy’s libel action – also claim that Vardy:

• Set up pap shots of WAGS during the 2018 World Cup without their knowledge

• Deliberately sat behind Coleen in the stands at Euro 2016 to maximise her own publicity and her guests “abused” FA staff when told to move

• Was the “Secret Wag” columnist who leaked private information about the wives of well-known footballers

• Was accused by Sarah Harding of taking intrusive photographs of her without her consent at the National Television Awards in 2018

• Had form for leaking private information after once revealing in an interview how Peter Andre was “hung like a small chipolata”.

The defence went into detail about the fake “Sting Operation stories” which she says Coleen planted to ensnare Vardy – including one about her basement flooding, her desire to return to TV and wanting to try gender selection for her next baby.

She supplied three pictures in the cache of legal papers to back up her claim.

In one, a picture of an airline seat can be seen as Coleen considers finding out about ‘gender selection’, while in another she can been seen in a selfie, considering her future TV career.

A third shows a bottle of Cloudy Bay white wine and a scrunched face emoji after Coleen told how her basement was flooded.

All three stories were fake and led to Coleen alleging on social media that the source of them appearing in the media was Rebekah Vardy’s account.

Details of Coleen’s elaborate sting won her the nickname Wagatha Christie when she publicly claimed Rebekah’s Instagram account was leaking stories last year.

Rebekah denies the accusation and a High Court libel battle will take place within weeks.

Mr Justice Nicklin said a preliminary trial will decide the “natural and ordinary” meaning of Coleen’s posts.

Rebekah, 38, is seeking substantial damages for libel, claiming the post by Coleen last October linking leaks to her resulted in her suffering “severe and extreme hostility and abuse”.

Coleen made the accusation on her Instagram account, which has 885,000 followers, and Twitter, which has 1.2 million.

The mum of four wrote she suspected a pal had been leaking stories about her.

She claimed to have posted a string of false stories to see if they would be published in newspapers and they were.

Her post said the bogus stories were only seen by one follower, concluding: “It’s… Rebekah Vardy’s account.”

In her court claim, Rebekah’s lawyers stated the post meant she had “consistently and repeatedly” betrayed Coleen’s trust over several years by leaking her “private and personal” Instagram posts.

The legal documents seen by the Mirror also allege other stories that Coleen believes were leaked to the press by Vardy from her private Instagram account.

These included a post in September 2017 of photographs of her three children and the text “no matter where I am they always follow me, and I hope that lasts forever”.

A day later a story appeared alleging “Wayne Rooney fears his marriage is over as pregnant wife Coleen storms out of their £4m mansion – and takes the kids with her”.

In October 2017, Coleen posted a picture of Wayne and their first three children with the caption “We love you so much Dad!! Happy birthday…thank you for all you do for us!!! Lots of love Kai Klay and Kit xxxx”

The next day an article was published saying that “Wayne Rooney is back at home – and in bed with Coleen – as she shares snaps with pals celebrating Halloween together”

The Sun also published a story about a car crash which she claims was obtained via her private account. The papers say how Coleen suspected Vardy at the time and deleted her as a follower on Instagram.

“On 3 March 2019, the Claimant sent the Defendant a WhatsApp message, asking why she had been deleted,” the papers add.

She then allowed Vardy to follow her again. But the leaks continued with another story she claims was obtained from her private account – about Coleen riding a bike at Soho Farmhouse, which subsequently appeared in the press.

The papers claim that in return for this information, Vardy received glowing coverage in the paper and “financially exploit her public profile”.

The papers state: “The Defendant will invite the Court to infer that such promotion or prominent coverage of the Claimant…..was a result of the Claimant providing The Sun with information from the Defendant’s Private Instagram Account, whether directly or indirectly.

This is part of the Claimant’s established history of self-promotion and the habitual practice of providing private information to journalists and the press for the purposes of promoting or financially exploiting her public profile, especially as the partner of the well-known footballer, Jamie Vardy. “

Vardy was also accused of having form for putting private information into the public domain about others too – including Peter Andre who she slept with in 2004 before she married Vardy.

The papers state: “In the interview, the Claimant disclosed amongst other things that (i) she had sexual intercourse with Peter Andre in November 2001, and that it lasted just five minutes; (ii) Peter Andre had “the smallest trouser equipment I’ve ever seen” that was “like a miniature chipolata”; (iii) that he “had absolutely no hairs on his body”; and (iv) he “slaver[ed]” like one of her boxer dogs when he kissed her.”

The papers also claim how Vardy sought out Coleen at Euro 2016 and sat behind her despite not being allocated those seats. The papers say: “ Ten minutes before the start of the match, the FA Liaison Officer told members of the Claimant’s party that they were not sitting in the correct seats and that the seats they were sitting in were specifically reserved for FA security.

They were asked to move. The Claimant’s guests refused and were abusive to the liaison officer. As a result, FA security were forced to sit elsewhere.”

In the 2018 World Cup she was accused of setting up a picture of her fellow WAGS on a night out in St Petersburg prior to England’s first-round game against Belgium.

The papers state: “The Claimant suggested she and the other partners of footballers at the restaurant had a group photograph, and insisted that it be taken outside. The Claimant did not let the others know that she had in fact arranged with Splash News for a paparazzo to be outside to photograph them.”

The documents also told how she worked for The Sun to produce a ‘behind the scenes’ video at the National Television Awards in 2018 . It says how at the awards ceremony the Claimant was accused by Sarah Harding of taking intrusive photographs of her without her consent.

The papers also accuse Vardy of being The Sun’s Secret Wag columnist described as “our real-life Premier League wag [who will] reveal top-secret bombshells about Britain’s biggest players”.

It featured “many gossip pieces, often defamatory, unfavourable or unflattering of the individuals named in them and containing highly private information”.

The stories included one about how “Kate Wright breaks WAG code by flaunting wealth and rubbing people’s face in it”. Another read how “Out of all the footballers’ partners, Danielle Lloyd was the most desperate to be a wag.”

The papers claim: “The Defendant will invite the inference that the Claimant has chosen to lie about the fact that she was the Secret Wag (and the source of leaking private information about the wives of well-known footballers) because she realises that it inevitably supports the Defendant’s case that the Claimant: also made use of her private information for the purposes of stories being published in The Sun.”

A spokesman for Coleen Rooney said: “Coleen has always been confident of her position, although she takes no pleasure in now having to set out in public court documents the reasons why. It remains a matter of deep regret to her that Rebekah seems determined to persist with court action despite Coleen’s offers of private mediation. Coleen believes the money being spent could be put to much better use in these times.”

Coleen’s defence comes days after Vardy vowed to clear her name, telling Good Morning Britain: “We tried to sort things out amicably but it didn’t work. I understand people think it’s ridiculous but what was I meant to do?