Is Brooke Baldwin leaving CNN? The question has been on many fans’ minds this week after a post the news anchor shared on social media where she revealed that her colleague, Jake Tapper, will handle her hour until after the election.
While the move could be strategic since Tapper is a well-respected political expert, it is still strange that this decision was taken now that Baldwin has been at the network for ten years.
Baldwin did reassure her fans by saying that she is healthy after fighting coronavirus earlier this year.
Her message read: “Oct 1, 2020: It was on this day TEN YEARS AGO when I first started anchoring my own show on CNN (technically it wasn’t *my* show that very first day… but little did I know, after an unexpected chain of events, those two hours would become mine). I have cherished my time with you this past decade. It’s been a dream of mine to work at CNN… I’m a home town girl (ATL ), and this has always been my hometown network. In the last ten years, we’ve witnessed history together. I’ve laughed and cried with you… I’ve rung in many a New Year with you
. I’ve been sick with you. I have GROWN with you. Sitting in that seat live on CNN every afternoon has been and still is an absolute privilege. I’m a marker of major moments and this day matters to me every year — and I owe you all a massive THANK YOU. Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for finding me here on IG. Thank you for caring. As the election gears up, the political maestro @jaketapper will hold down my hour and his for the coming weeks. Wish I was was with you, but I’ll see ya on
on the flip side of the election. In the meantime, you know where to find me. Oh, and you see my necklace? Don’t forget to vote.
#gratitude #10years #anchorversary #cnn #Journalism #thankyou Me today —> Me 10 years ago #notanaturalblonde”
One fan replied: ” 10 years is an amazing accomplishment; you have made all of us who watch you better people due to your compassion, humanity, and dedication to journalism. You represent the very best in broadcasting and have impacted so many lives in a positive way, including mine and that of my family. I wish you continued success for years to come.”
The network has not reacted to the rumors.