Gemma Collins gets facial injections which she credits for her youthful looks

Gemma Collins gets facial injections which she credits for her youthful looks


Gemma Collins treats herself to facial injections as she unveils secret to her youthful looks

Former TOWIE babe Gemma Collins showed off the results of her facial injections after admitting it’s the secret to how she looks 10 years younger

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Gemma Collins has showed off the results of her facial injections after revealing they make her look 10 years younger.

The reality star, who is 39, claims her regular treatments are what keep her looking youthful for longer.

Gem documented her trip to a London aesthetic company on Tuesday, where she had the injections pumped into her face.

She laughed: “Guys as you know I’m 39 but I don’t look a day over 29.”

The former TOWIE babe explained the secret behind her smooth-looking skin is Profhilo injections.

The star revealed the process is not Botox or filler – it’s very natural and involves the use of hyaluronic acid.

Gem gushed: “I cannot express to you how life-changing it is. It’s just made me look so fresh and I cannot recommend it enough.”

She urged her fans to get the treatment “if you want skin like me”.

The GC also let her 1.9m followers know how she keeps her hands looking wrinkle and line-free.

“I have Profhilo injected into my hands to keep your hands looking young, it gets rids of any lines or anything you’re gonna see,” she continued.

Gemma claims the process “is not dangerous”, it’s just “collagen for the face”.

She said: “At 21-years-old your body stops producing natural collagen. This is only collagen going into the skin, it’s not rat poison going into the skin.

“The older I’m getting the younger I’m gonna look, I’m going to age reverse myself, and I just want to spread the word to people how you can do it.”

The reality star was joined by her pal Dawn, who also got the procedure done.

However she didn’t take to it as well as Gem, who was laughing and filming her friend.

After Gemma had the treatment, she joked: “I’m going to age reverse myself watch me I’m 40 in Jan and I’m going to be the best I’ve ever looked!!!!! Watch me reverse myself 20 years.”

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