Louise Redknapp divides fans over claim she should feed Christmas tree lemonade

Louise Redknapp divides fans over claim she should feed Christmas tree lemonade


Louise Redknapp divides fans over claim she should feed her Christmas tree lemonade

Louise Redknapp had divided fans over whether she should feed her Christmas tree lemonade and vodka to keep it alive ahead of the big day

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Louise Rednapp was baffled by a claim feeding a Christmas tree lemonade keeps it alive.

The former Strictly Come Dancing finalist, 46, divided her fans over the bizarre claim when she sought the advice of her 137.2k followers on Twitter on Wednesday.

Louise poked fun at the idea as she jested about giving her tree vodka to go with the lemonade.

She wrote on Twitter: “Has anyone else heard of giving your Christmas tree lemonade to make it last longer? Or is someone having me on?

“And if so… does it require vodka with it?”

Comments were rolling in from a handful of her following who advised her against giving booze to her Christmas tree.

Leading the troops, one wrote: “Don’t waste vodka on a tree, send it to me.”

Another added: “Don’t waste it Louise, for goodness sake…buy another tree, giving alcohol away, willy nilly…if you’re quite happy to waste, ill give you my address…waste bottles my way!”

However, it appeared her following was completely divided as others supported the claim lemonade was good for the tree.

Many of her followers were quick to share there had been a feature segment on This Morning about trees recommending lemonade in recent weeks.

Others wrote: “No need for lemonade, just a little bit of sugar in the water to stop any smell, plus it’s a source of food for the tree.”

“It’s true, but basically it’s the sugar they need – like cut flowers. Their was a piece on This Morning a week or 2 ago!”

“There was a bit on ‘ This Morning’ about Xmas Trees, and the man did say to feed the tree lemonade.”

“Hey Lou, no it definitely works. I’ve been doing it for years. It has to be full fat though. Not sure about vodka …might make it a bit unsteady!! X”

Recently, Louise announced she has her new tell-all book You’ve Got This coming out next year.