Toya Johnson shared a photo featuring a new look on her social media account. Fans are gushing over her in the comments, and they’re praising her slimmed-down figure.
Someone said: ‘Look at you looking like your twenty fine lol. You cute miss lady 🔥’ and one other follower posted this message: ‘She hot!!! FAN HER. STEEZ.’
A follower said: ‘Toya why are you this fine 😩’ and one other commenter posted this message: ‘@toyajohnson you are always looking fabulous. Keep glowing. #Beautiful.’
A commenter posted: ‘I have really cute lip gloss for @reign_beaux for her make up collection,’ and someone else said: ‘Awesome picture Toya I love your outfit that’s awesome.’
Someone else said: ‘@toyajohnson please tell us the lip colour!! So pretty!’ and one other follower posted this: ‘When that doctor asks me how I wanna look ima make sure I show your picture cause baby your shape is goals 😍’
A follower said: ‘Baby you super cute doll always killing the fashion game boo @toyajohnson 💕’ and someone else posted this: ‘She will break her hip trying to stick that booty out there 😄😄🔥’