Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid on GMB Government boycott: ‘They’re gutless little weasels’
EXCLUSIVE: In an exclusive interview, the Good Morning Britain duo open up about the Government snubbing the show, why they are fighting for colleague Kate Garraway – and why Piers is desperate to be the Mirror Chicken
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We are 30 minutes into our interview and Piers Morgan has already called Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock and most of the Cabinet “gutless little weasels” at least five times.
Six, if you include his use of the same phrase while addressing the Government live on Good Morning Britain yesterday morning.
But it is little wonder he and co-presenter Susanna Reid are so fired up – this Saturday will mark 200 days since the Government refused to put up a minister on the ITV show.
And Piers is now considering desperate measures.
“I will dress up as the Mirror Chicken to harangue them, I am serious,” he laughs. “You can go and find me the old Mirror Chicken outfit and we can squawk at them.”
Piers, 55, and Susanna, 49, are talking to me from their dressing rooms on Zoom minutes after the show ended.
Their camaraderie has propelled the show to its highest-ever ratings and is just as infectious off-screen too.
But while they differ in presenting styles, they are united on one issue – the Government’s “dereliction of duty” in not fielding ministers on the show.
Piers says: “The Government’s handling of the pandemic has been woeful and cost thousands of unnecessary deaths and they should have their feet held to the fire.
“But they have managed to get to a position where they don’t expose themselves to any ferocious fires any more. It’s very nice for them but in my view they are a just a bunch of gutless little weasels.”
Speaking of weasels, yesterday’s show did mark a breakthrough of sorts when, live on air, reporter Nick Dixon managed to collar Health Secretary Mr Hancock as he arrived for interviews at the BBC.
Quizzed about the boycott, Mr Hancock vowed he would “come on as soon as I possibly can” – before turning down a slot on today’s show, saying: “Unfortunately, I have got something in the diary and I have a lot of work to do to get this vaccine rolled out.”
Piers is not expecting him to come rushing back any time soon.
“He hasn’t got the guts. He just likes to do cosy, fireside chats with his preferred journalists who aren’t going to give him a hard time,” he says. You get the feeling Mr Hancock has not forgotten his last appearance, in mid-April. It was fortunate it was by video-link as he and Piers looked ready to explode.
After the Health Secretary rapped Piers for misjudging the public mood, the presenter bit back: “I don’t give a damn about the public mood, I want you to answer my questions.”
It was TV gold – but Piers admits he was fired up for personal reasons.
“I had three friends who lost parents in care homes, it was heartbreaking,” he says. “I was boiling with anger. Why should we hide passion and anger? We have the guy responsible sitting there and being dismissive, arrogant.”
Then there is the heartbreaking matter of their GMB colleague Kate Garraway, whose husband Derek was in a coma after being hit by Covid-19.
Susanna says at the least, Number 10 owes it to her to put up a minister on the days when she is presenting. “If there is one member of the team to whom they owe a particular duty to explain policy and answer questions, it would be Kate,” she says. “It’s shocking that they haven’t done that.”
Piers agrees. “OK, don’t come on when I am on. But to not come on when Kate is presenting. Really? You are going to snub someone whose husband is in a coma from Covid. It’s shameful.”
They admit this personal dimension to the boycott has made them more determined to hold ministers to account. And, equally, to not hold back in doing so.
That Han-cock interview – and another where the duo eviscerated Care Minister Helen Whately – drew Ofcom complaints.
But the body decided not to investigate, saying such exchanges were clearly in the public interest.
“What Ofcom did about our awful haranguing of these poor little ministers… it was a very important moment for the TV regulator. They could easily have rolled over in the face of public opinion,” Piers says. “I am sorry about those interviews – I am sorry I didn’t go harder.”
Care Minister Victoria Atkins was the final MP from the cabinet on the show. “It was very clear to me, very quickly, that she had no idea what I was talking about,” says Piers of quizzing her about PPE.
“Andrew Neil later tweeted asking why the Government was sending ridiculously ill-informed, useless, ministerial lambs to the slaughter. His tweet was perhaps the final straw for the Government.”
Piers places the blame for the boycott firmly at the door of No10 director of communications – and former Mirror Chicken – Lee Cain, as well as chief adviser Dominic Cummings.
Intriguingly, he claims he has heard the PM is keen to end the boycott but the pair will not let him.
Piers says: “I was told months ago Boris wanted to end the boycott but his henchmen Lee Cain and Dominic Cummings refused. The guy who was the Mirror Chicken is now the man in Government being the chicken.”
You get the impression the Cabinet ban will not be lifted any time soon.
But with a record nine million viewers now watching GMB across the week, Susanna says they are clearly doing something right.
She adds: “The irony is that since we haven’t had ministers on our programme, the ratings have gone up and up and up.”