Prince William voted least attractive famous baldy in poll

Prince William voted least attractive famous baldy in poll


Prince William voted least attractive famous baldy in poll

EXCLUSIVE: Men reckon the heir to the throne’s lack of hair makes him look “old and sad” instead of “hunky and sexy”

Prince William has been voted the least attractive famous baldy in a poll.

Men reckon the heir to the throne’s lack of hair makes him look “old and sad” instead of “hunky and sexy”.

Just two per cent admired the future head of state’s head – compared with a third who wouldn’t mind looking like action hero Vin Diesel, 53.

The star of the Fast and Furious films got a 35 per cent approval rating from blokes who thought his baldness made him seem more masculine.

He narrowly beat fellow Hollywood tough guy and wrestler Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, 48, who came second in the list of ten celebrity slapheads with a score of 33 per cent.

Brit actors Jason Statham, 52, and Sir Patrick Stewart, 80, were next, both on 30 per cent.

Die Hard star Bruce Willis, 65, won a 27 per cent approval rating, followed by Ed Harris, 69, on 25 per cent.Ving Rhames, 61, and Sir Ben Kingsley, 76, both got 20 per cent.

But only seven per cent of fellas thought baldness suited comedian Matt Lucas, 46, who lost his hair after developing alopecia as a child.

The survey of 1,000 men aged 25-65 was carried out for The Harley Street Skin Clinic, which treats hair loss.

Its spokesman Dr Aamer Khan said: “Some men find hair loss difficult, if not impossible, to accept and begin to search for a cure.

“But our survey shows baldness suits some and others would be happy to look like them.

“Ten years ago the patients coming to us were in their 50s or 60s but today they are much younger.

“In fact, half of the men ­surveyed said their hair loss began during their 20s.” Despite approving of the bald looks of some household names, 52 per cent of men said avoiding baldness was important to them.

And 80 per cent said they would rather be overweight than lose their hair.

Among ­celebs with hair transplants, Cold Feet star James Nesbitt, 55, got the top score – 38 per cent – for his rug. X Factor judge Louis Walsh, 67, was given a 34 per cent approval rating and celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, 53 – who had a transplant in 2010 – won a 28 per cent rating.

Worst ranked was footballer Wayne Rooney, 34, whose thatch was admired by just 10 per cent.

The poll also found 38 per cent of men envied 59-year-old George Clooney’s grey locks and 32 per cent envied David Beckham, 45, for his hair.