
There Is A Battle Pass Sharing Option, According To a MultiVersus Data Miner

The game looks to allow users to look for another player’s name in order to pair up with them, according to a snapshot uploaded by AisulMV of the “Find a Battle Pass Partner” menu.

AisulMV responded, “For Battle Pass connecting,” when questioned by a follower about what exactly this screen was for. According to what I know, it was originally planned for a later season.

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When questioned about the specifics of how it operated, AisulMV offered a second graphic that outlines the procedure in painstaking depth.

The Battle Pass connection function would enable two members to “win the Battle Pass quicker” and exchange bonuses, according to the published guidelines.

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The same Battle Pass will be contributed to by both players, and the Battle Pass of the player who has made the least progress will be equal to the others, according to the statement.

“Both players will share progress on the Battle Pass if one player holds a Premium Battle Pass. For both players, quest rewards and experience points are still given.

Additionally, it says that “the Battle Pass can only be connected once per season,” indicating that players who have everything unlocked are unable to just add friends and get them access to all the goodies.

The MultiVersus Season 1 Battle Pass will cost approximately $10 and contain 50 tiers, according to Tony Huynh, the game’s director.

The start of Season 1 and the introduction of Morty from Rick & Morty as the next playable character have both been postponed from their original August 9 start dates.

The other week, a tweet from the game’s Twitter Account said, “We recognize this could be frustrating for some and want to reassure our Community that we are focused on bringing new and innovative content that thrills users.”