The Most Popular Game In July Was MultiVersus, Which Dethroned Elden Ring As The Top Seller

But RPG from From Software continues to take the top spot for the year.

Since going into open beta last month, the character brawler MultiVersus from Warner Bros. has completely revolutionized the industry. Multiversus, although only released on Steam on the 19th, was the best-selling video game of the month, according to analytics firm NPD, confirming the extent of its success.

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Although MultiVersus is a free-to-play game, Warner Bros also offers a variety of Founders Packs that grant players “character tickets” that may be used to unlock fighters in addition to in-game microtransactions. These Founders Packs are credited with propelling MultiVersus to the top of the sales charts, according to reports.

Only the second time this year has Elden Ring, the fantasy craze from From Software, not taken the top position thanks to MultiVersus’ popularity. The huge RPG, which has reportedly sold close to 17 million copies since its premiere in February, is still the year’s best overall seller, according to Namco Bandai.

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There is a significant qualification to these rankings. The two Nintendo games on the list, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and the perennially popular Mario Kart 8, which are ranked fourth and seventh, respectively, do not have their digital sales counted by NPD’s tally, which accounts for both physical and digital sales for the majority of the games.

Additionally, the sixth-ranked MLB: The Show 22 is not included in the tracking of Xbox and digital sales. Whatever the case, Player First Games‘ work is amazing, and MultiVersus’ success has likely been aided by the fact that players can play as any character from their childhood.

It is unquestionably a good brawler as well, though. According to Mollie’s most recent review, MultiVersus “has done a bang-up job of establishing the foundations for a superb platform combatant that has the potential to develop into something amazing.”