The Latest Film About Mike Tyson’s Life On Hulu Has Not Pleased Him

Mike Tyson has been frank about his feelings towards "Mike," the Hulu biopic based on his life, and those feelings are not positive.

We attempt to honor Mike Tyson and convey some truths about his life, according to Russell Hornsby, who plays boxing promoter Don King in the eight-episode series.

He is not the only person to have a complaint about how he is depicted in a movie or even in a book, Hornsby told Post. You must take the crooked with the straight in this no-holds-barred examination of Tyson and his life. He claimed, "We did not attempt to glorify him or to condemn him. "I believe that telling his tale was what we had in mind,"

The former heavyweight champion, Tyson, wrote on his Instagram page that he never approved nor received payment for sharing his life story.

"Don't be duped by Hulu. I disagree with their account of my life, he wrote. They took my life story without paying me; I'm just a n****r they can put up for auction to Hulu execs.

Tyson had previously criticized the streaming service when the idea was first unveiled the year before, during Black History Month.

A perfect example of how Hulu's corporate greed caused this tone-deaf cultural misuse of the Tyson life narrative is this announcement, which comes just after social discrepancies in our country, he wrote back then.

"I believe Mike has a right to feel that way. This man has experienced a lot, Hornsby remarked. He experienced many ups and downs, and he has a right to feel that way. However, I am confident that everything will be taken care of in the future. He and Hulu both have lawyers, so I have no doubt that they can resolve the issue.

Tyson is portrayed by Trevante Rhodes ("Moonlight") in "Mike," which makes its streaming debut on August 25.