Rush Limbaugh Announces Grim News On His Show—He Has Advanced Lung Cancer

Rush Limbaugh Announces Grim News On His Show—He Has Advanced Lung Cancer

On Monday, 27 million audience members of the talk radio show, Rush Limbaugh, got a gut punch like no other, when the well-loved conservative announced that he had been officially diagnosed with “advanced lung cancer.”

Limbaugh, a pioneer in conservative talk radio, chose to make the grim announcement as he was closing out his show Monday. Sadly, he will be stepping away from the iconic EIB microphone, while he seeks treatment for the diagnosis, but stated he hopes to return at some point.

When addressing his listeners, Limbaugh said: "This day has been one of the most difficult days in recent memory, for me, because I've known this moment was coming." He went on to remind his listeners that he's not one who likes to talk about or make the conversation about himself, but with the bond, he felt that he had developed with his listeners over the last 31 years, he felt he needed to be honest and forthcoming.

Limbaugh wanted his listeners to know how grateful he was for each and every one of them, and to make sure they understood that his job, providing them with the political truth, gave him the "greatest satisfaction and happiness" in his life.

He then said: “So, I have to tell you something today that I wish I didn't have to tell you. I can't help but feel I'm letting everyone down. The upshot is that I have been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer."

The grim diagnosed has been, according to Limbaugh, confirmed by two separate medical institutions, after he says he experienced shortness of breath on January 12th, and that he realized then that something was wrong.

Limbaugh told his audience that he had initially thought about not telling anyone. However, he reminded us that it is what it is and that he the ever mayor of Realville. He also went on to let his listeners know that he has a relationship with God, which is deeply personal.

He plans to undergo his tests and treatments, as well as planning to show up and "push ahead and keep everything as normal" as he possibly can. He then commended his listeners for being the "greatest sources of confidence" that he feels he has ever had in his life.

He then closed by telling his fans and listening audience that he plans and “hopes” to be back in front of the EIB golden microphone on Thursday.

Will the possible loss of Limbaugh’s clear thinking completely morph the political debate landscape?