Peter Andre forced to defend buying Junior a £25k Audi for his birthday after backlash

Peter Andre forced to defend buying Junior a £25k Audi for his birthday after backlash

Peter Andre forced to defend buying Junior a £25k Audi for his birthday after backlash

Mysterious Girl singer Peter Andre has been forced to defend himself after splashing £25k on a flashy Audi for his teenage son Junior

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Junior Andre poses behind the wheel of his new car

Peter Andre has defended buying his son Junior a £25k Audi for his birthday 17th birthday.

Earlier this month, the Mysterious Girl singer, 49, proved that he was dad of the year after forking out for a brand new Audi A1, complete with a private registration and specially designed green calipers for his teenage son.

Despite his well-meaning birthday gift to Junior, Pete faced much criticism over his extravagant purchase - mainly due to the fact his teenage son hasn't passed his driving test yet, meaning he is unable to use his present for now.

Unimpressed fans flocked to Junior's car announcement post to hit out at his famous dad for buying the 17-year-old a 'high-powered car'.

In response, the Australian singer insisted that he has set strict 'rules' for Junior when he eventually gets behind the wheel of the swanky car.

Peter has been forced to defend the flashy purchase

"I’ve set rules. He did amazing with his bike. He needs a lot of lessons. He will be great. He knows the rules," Peter responded after one Instagram user called his actions as a dad 'dangerous'.

Earlier this month, Pete showed off the sports car on his Instagram, with a video of Junior and his sister Princess, 14, sat in the vehicle.

Peter captioned the post: "I think he's loving his new car. Happy birthday son. Now you just have to pass your test. @officialjunior_andre @officialprincess_andre.

Junior was over the moon with his 'dream car'


( Instagram/ @peterandre)

"Big thanks to @beany_man_ipswich_alloys for getting the wheels how he liked it in record time. I was so scared I wasn't gonna have everything ready for him. Love you son (not you Beany, I mean junior). Love you too though mate."

And Junior was absolutely thrilled with his 'dream car'.

In a post on his own Instagram page, the youngster posed on the bonnet of his car, showing off the private plate.

Junior has just turned 17


( Instagram)

He wrote: "Couldn't be more grateful right now. I'm releasing my debut single “SLIDE” this Friday 17th June and my dad just got me the car of my dreams."

Peter, who was overcome with emotion, added: "My son. So proud in every way. You deserve all of it. So happy you love your present."

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