Jack Whitehall’s dad Michael, 80, gets the coronavirus vaccine

Jack Whitehall’s dad Michael, 80, gets the coronavirus vaccine


Jack Whitehall's dad Michael, 80, gets coronavirus vaccine and thanks 'wonderful' NHS

Jack Whitehall's dad Michael got the first of two coronavirus injections on Sunday night and couldn't resist making a dig at his comedian son

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Jack Whitehall's 80-year-old dad has proudly shared a picture of himself getting the coronavirus vaccine.

Michael Whitehall, who stars with his comedian son, 32, in his Netflix original series, Travels With My Father, got the first of two jabs at a Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust vaccination centre in London on Sunday night.

He will return in January to get his second Covid injection to ensure full inoculation.

Taking to his Twitter account, Michael shared a snap of himself wearing a white face mask and blue scarf while a nurse rolled his white shirt sleeve up and prepped the needle.

And he couldn't help but take the opportunity to give Jack a joking dig in the arm too.

Michael tweeted: "Here was I worrying about a little p**k, no, not @jackwhitehall, which was brilliantly organised by @GSTTnhs.

"Thank you to all the kind and wonderful NHS staff who administered my COVID-19 vaccine last night.

"See you for little p**k No 2 in January."

He finished the post with the hashtags #nhs #GSTTnhs.

Currently, the coronavirus vaccine is only being offered to the most high prority groups.

Some people aged 80 and over who already have a hospital appointment in the next few weeks, people who live or work in care homes and health care workers at high risk are currently the only groups being offered the injection.

The jab is given in the upper arm and in two doses.