Love is no longer in the air, as Florence Pugh has recently confirmed that her relationship with the famous Scrubs actor, Zach Braff is over. The couple had been together for 3 years, getting together first in 2019 after working on a short film together. Florence Pugh, 26, and Zach Braff, 47 got plenty of comments from the public regarding the age gap between them while they were together and Florence made it a point to slam the people making such comments.
While speaking to the Sunday Times, Florence said:
“It’s not who they expected. But it’s my life and I’m not doing anything to please people or to make it a better headline or story. I want to also be a person!”
By and large, though, the two kept their relationship mostly private and out of the public eye and they intend to do the same with their breakup. While speaking to Harper's Bazaar, Florence Pugh explained it in the following terms:
“We’ve been trying to do this separation without the world knowing, because it’s been a relationship that everybody has an opinion on. We just felt something like this would really do us the benefit of not having millions of people telling us how happy they are that we’re not together. So we’ve done that. I automatically get a lumpy throat when I talk about it.”
Florence has always been an advocate of letting celebrities have their privacy and feels that the incessant invasion into the lives of entertainers is wrong.
“I don’t think that people, just because they have this job, that every aspect of their life should be watched and written about,” said Pugh while speaking to Harper's Bazaar, “We haven’t signed up for a reality TV show.”
Florence Pugh is famously known for her amazing performances in movies like Midsommar and Little Women and recently attained mainstream fame as well when she entered into the Marvel Cinematic Universe through the Black Widow film and followed it up by appearing in the Disney+ Hawkeye series.
Zach Braff is prominently known for his role in the early 2000s medical sitcom, Scrubs.