
Chris Moyles opens up about his body dysmorphia after losing six stone


Chris Moyles opens up about his body dysmorphia after losing six stone

EXCLUSIVE: Chris Moyles spoke to Ross Kemp about his struggles with body dysmorphia and his constant battle to stay trim

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Former Radio 1 DJ Chris Moyles has opened up about having body dysmorphia disorder and admits it is a constant battle to keep his weight down.

The star, who is now on Radio X, reveals how he struggles to accept his body and appearance.

He said: "Before lockdown Monday, Wednesday, Friday I would do the show we would have a quick meeting...and then I'd get to the gym and I'd train 11 'till 12 or 11 'till one depending on how fat I was feeling.

"I'm feeling really fat at the moment. I'm fascinated by body dysmorphia because I really have an issue with body dysmorphia, which I think most people do.

"I've lost six stone from my worst weight when I was 18 stone 2.”

Speaking on the Kempcast Podcast with Ross Kemp, he went into more detail about how he trains hard to allow himself some pleasure at the weekend.

He added: "I know my body really well now, and I'm still learning and I'm lucky that I have a trainer who is a real nerd about this stuff, he's got a very similar metabolism to me which is that of a JCB.

"I don't have the metabolism of an 18-year-old girl or boy, I just don't. I will, and people don't believe me, but I weight myself six days a week, and I know you shouldn't and I know it's not for everyone, but I do that so I can learn about how my body works.

"I will train Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and I will watch what I eat and I'll eat very little, I do intermittent fasting and I'll eat at half six or seven and I'll be fine.

"I need to do that from the weekends that I have.

"I will be really good during the week and then Friday comes, I'll have a couple of drinks and then maybe Saturdays we will go for dinner and maybe a few drinks and then maybe Sunday we'll do something and I'll get on the scales on Monday and I will have put on anywhere from five, six, eight, ten pounds - ten pounds!

"It's not fat, it's just bloat, it's just water retention and by the Friday the next week that ten pounds will have gone and maybe a bit more if I've worked hard enough, maybe a little bit less, but it will go.

"By Friday I'll probably look exactly the same but I'll feel like 'yeah, feeling good'.