Chris Martin suddenly halted Coldplay's show at Wembley mid-song as he urged fans to put down their phones, stop recording and 'connect together as one group of people'
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Chris Martin stopped Coldplay 's latest Wembley concert halfway through a song to ask fans to turn off their phones in order to "connect together as one group of people".
The frontman, 45, made the request while singing Sky Full of Stars on the Music of the Spheres tour and garnered a positive response from fans. The moment was, somewhat ironically, caught on camera and shared to TikTok.
In the video, Chris stopped the performance and said: "Wait, hold on, one second. I think we can make this better, hold on."
Fans could be heard wondering what was going on, with one person saying: "Has he stopped it?"
The musician added: "I'll speed through this because we wanna get all the songs in before they shut the thing down.
Chris' request was shared on TikTok
( @brogan.thomas/TikTok)
Coldplay were performing in Wembley
( WireImage)
"So, let's try that again but please, if we could just have one song with no cell phones, no cameras, no devices, nothing, just the power of people, people power."
Concert attendees then started cheering in support of Chris' request.
He added: "I won't do the whole speech because it takes ages, but the basis of it is, let's just connect together as one group of people and see how high you can jump, how loud you can shout, and no phones, no cameras.
"After this song, you can film everything. But for this one song, let's just be people together, me, you, my brother, my sister and let's try it again."
The TikTok video was captioned: "Without a doubt the highlight of the night came shortly after this video ended."
Coldplay fans seemed to love the idea of having no phones at concerts, with one person writing: "People should enjoy the moment instead having there phones out." [sic]
"Imagine a whole show without seeing a single phone in the air," another said and added an eye heart emoji.
Fans agreed with the request
( Getty Images)
A third fan commented: "I would not record as well. Just enjoy the moment," with another person adding: "Would LOVE it if this became a trend."
Other people pointed out that it wasn't an impromptu request, with one person writing: "It’s part of the show, he did the same Tuesday."
Another said: "He did that last tour too."
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