Top Gun : Maverick revived a franchise that started way back in 1986, with the protagonist Pete Maverick played by Tom Cruise alongside a few others returning from the original cast, and several new faces joining the film. The film's plot followed Maverick as he trained a brand new class of pilots for a new mission and found some tensions in his relationship with one of them who was the son of his former partner Goose.
The film was a raging success, bringing in roughly $1.4 billion at the global box office, making it the highest-grossing movie of the year so far. With very few big-name films yet to be released, the film could end up taking the crown as the year ends but December will see the release of Avatar 2, the sequel to the highest-grossing movie of all time which will probably provide a strong battle.
With such a huge success in terms of both numbers at the box office and response from the fans and critics, there is some curiosity among the people about whether the Top Gun franchise could return for a 3rd time, turning the franchise that began in 1986 into a trilogy.
Actor Miles Teller who plays the role of Rooster in the film has said that he has discussed the possibility of the threequel with Tom Cruise but said that the decision would eventually be up to Cruise.
President and CEO of Paramount Pictures, Brian Robbins has spoken about the idea as well and while he did not confirm it, he did not dismiss it either. And now the producer for Top Gun: Maverick, Jerry Bruckheimer has also addressed the possibility in the following words:
"I can't tell you what the future is going to bring. If you'd asked me in '86, 'Do you think you'll have a sequel out in a few years?' I'd have said maybe. But it took 30-something years to do it!"
Hence, at the moment fans could keep their fingers crossed but only time will tell.